Saturday, March 19, 2016

Homebrew Kits

LC Meter
This one is a small useful measuring device which would help you in homebrew projects. Usually it is difficult to find a commercial meter which can measure the range of Inductance and Capacitance that we HAMs need. If you are involved in some RF ameteur radio circuit homebrewing, then this tool would be of a great help as it has been for me. I had been using this circuit constructed on a general pcb (vero board) and using it for past few years. And this had been helpful to me in most of my homebrew projects including BITX20,BITX40,MCHF and many more. So I thought of printing a commercial quality PCB from some fab house here. The PCBs are ready now and below are the photos.

The best thing of having an LC meter in hand is, you could wind the coils on any former or ferrite without worrying about the number of turns or the material. Just wind it on any former and measure it . Also you could measure the capacitance of unknown gang capacitors.

Also I have made available the PCB along with the complete set of components as a kit. For enquiring availability please drop a mail to me at vu3ltb at Fully assembled ones are also available.

Update Jan 2019-
Pics of finished LC Meters in Aluminium Box.


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